“Even Muhammad he eat from their food after a battle, and the verse that comes after that, after what they’d been Forbidden on them, it says, today the food from the People from the Book, it’s Halal for the Muslims to eat and the food that the muslim also eat is Halal for us to… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 2
Author: Tommysg
011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 1
Sandra Solomon previously has stated about her life, “I was born into a Palestinian family in the West Bank of Ramallah and later my family and I relocated to Jordan and thereafter Saudi Arabia at age 9 where I began my education. I did enjoy reading the Quran, yet not fully understanding the meaning of… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 1
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17
Douglas Murray is asked about the Attitude of the People of the UK, “I mean one of the things of recent months, both Brexit, has been noticing the way in which people on the continent are very Distrusting of the People actually…I do still have a Faith in people’s Decency and Honesty, and I don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 16
Douglas Murray is asked if Violence can be Avoided in the Saving of UK Culture, “The People Matter. Whither an Italian Left Wing Feminist or a Gay Politician. People Matter! And in a way one of the worst things about the kind of Class Struggle Socioeconomic view of history is, it tells people You Don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 16
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15
Douglas Murray talks on the Islamization of Europe and the Chances of Rescuing Christianity or at least its Beliefs, “Well it’s certainly beyond any one politician or any one Generation of Politicians, and I’ve come to the view that I think you’re right, I mean I was probably more Optimistic Ten Years Ago, then events… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 14
Douglas Murray on Christianity, “The argument about the position of religion to that extent has more or less been sorted out. But there’s something that the non-religious then have to do, which is and I think this is a quid pro quo, which is to Concede that in matters like Issues to do with Life… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 14
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 13
Mark Steyn reminds us that if there’s a Terror Event, “The Bombers will never force us to change our British Values!” But they Values have Changed and are Changing. Douglas Murray notes, “This is the Consequence of something what happens when you take in the World. If you can import the world into your country… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 13
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 12
Mark Steyn makes the comment that, “Some girl who’s of easy virtue, she’s off her head, Rat Arsed in a nightclub somewhere, and at some point she wakes up, face down in her own vomit and thinks this is a Meaningless Empty Life, I need to turn my life around. And she finds Islam!” Douglas… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 12
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 11
Mark Steyn makes the observation that, “Within the space of you know our current Political Class’ Tenure, they have offered up for Sacrifice their great capital cities London and Paris and Brussels”. Douglas Murray agrees, “Your thought, your sense is that there’s over evaluation of our own Cultural Strength, I think that sort of Merkel… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 11
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 10
“I mean people who fled Afghanistan and so on, have stories some of which are unimaginable. I mean, one of my overwhelming feelings is we’ve got to do that and recognize the scale and still find answers. You know one of my views these days is just that in general, because of our politics, and… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 10