March 2024

03 March. It’s just left 11am UK time. I’ve just posted the first of my February news files, I’ve got twelve more ready to go but I have plenty to edit and even more to gain from the Sky box, there just isn’t the time. I came off a sleepover yesterday and had to travel through Glasgow to get home, on the bus whilst in the city I heard the chant “Kill the Jew” being repeatedly chanted through a megaphone! I don’t know if there were any protest marches in Glasgow yesterday, maybe it was a bunch of Jihads, don’t know. What I do know is the woman of hate wasn’t arrested, well at least not whilst my bus was in ear-shot. I had this sick feeling in my stomach, what the hell is happening to my country? I’d better get some work done regards this place, I so desperately need support. 04 March. It’s half 9am and I’m on a train for the city then I’ll get a bus to the day job, I’m on another sleepover. I’ve not checked the site bank account for ages, you never know, there could be somebody out there that feels there is merit in what I’m trying to do, but I doubt it. It is very disheartening. Meeting up with my partner tomorrow after work to book a week’s holiday in June. I really need a break and recharge the batteries. I totally underestimated the diverse work that’s involved in getting to grips with my role. I’m two months in, and there’s still a lot to get my head around, but I’m getting there. I don’t think I’ll make decisions on which path to take for this place until I’m on holiday and I escape from the constant work whither it be the day job or the site. 06 March. We’re nearly at noon in the UK. I’m going to have to spend time today gleaming all worthy February footage from the box today, that’s a time-consuming task but needs done. After I finished the sleepover on the day job yesterday I met up with my partner in the city and we booked our holiday for June, going back to Torquay, a beautiful place and beautiful people, looking forward to it, need to recharge the old batteries. Today when I think about it, I need to transfer all data from my phone to the pc, I download relevant footage from vastly Twitter/X. I also need to create a Link To Post page for February. I’d better get on with it. 08 March. It’s left 9pm in the Uk and I’m not long home from my day job ten hour shift, I’m defo getting too old for this game, you’ve got to be on your toes the whole time, I’m doing the job for now, but I need to think of slowing right down. This project has offered me the chance to continue working, I didn’t realise how involved forensic care is, but I’m getting there. As for this place, I realised this morning on way to the day job that WordPress only has the 3rd and 4th entries, the 6th entry is mysteriously missing, although when I checked out the site on the phone, the 6th is there, so I have issues with WordPress, not the site; easy solution, don’t use WordPress! As I’ve mentioned, I’m not long home, I’ve had a whisky to chill out and I’ve did a post, and I’m now going to have another whisky and pack it in. I’m seeing my son and my granddaughter tomorrow morning, really looking forward to it. She’ll be one year young next week, a whole damn year has flew by! 10 March. It’s left 10am UK time. I’m off today as I was yesterday, I’m not back to the day job till Thursday; there’s a lot I need to get done at this place. Tomorrow I’m visiting my old project and going to do a catch up with whatever staff are there, my old manager for one, and with the service users that are there. I’ll collect the compulsory gift and I’ll pick up my laptop and whatever else was/is in my sleepover drawer. I met up with my son and grandaughter yesterday at a local supermarket, we had a coffee and then I ran around the aisles like a loony whilst my son did his shopping, brilliant time. It’s the wee ones first birthday this week, God how a year can go in so quick, it’s been amazing and a privilege witnessing her grow, magical stuff. I’m going to look at my Twitter/X feed just now and remove who aren’t following me and following some more people, always like to freshen up the audience. 11 March. It’s near 9.30am and I’m going to be getting organised to visit the project I’ve left after falling down the stairs last October and moving to a project that isn’t as physically strenuous. Looking forward to catching up with the staff and the service users. I’m not into these kind of things, pretty nervous already. I didn’t do much on the site yesterday, I need to get my life organised, I keep saying that and run away from it. Oh well. 12 March. It’s 11.45am and I’m watching a bit of tv with my partner. I need to get my head sorted, need to gain some motivation. I visited my previous project yesterday and it was quite emotional, got a bottle of malt which I’ll maybe try later. 14 March. It’s nearly 11pm and I’m finishing my sleepover for the evening. I got my laptop from my previous project on Monday, I’m going to be leaving it here at my new project. I had/have files to post on my stick, I was able to log on here but I can’t log on to VK which is the platform that I use to upload my files and so I have to abandon my efforts to post, I need to get the password details fof VK which I’ll do tomorrow. not to worry. 18 March. It’s left half two in the afternoon. I never thought I would say this but my heart really isn’t in this place any more. I keep banging my head against the brick wall, nobody wants to make comment, nobody out there seems to be interested. I’m moving my focus to sorting out what kind of pension I’m going to be having at the end of the year, yes I’ll be 66 soon! I’ll be getting the state pension, it isn’t much, I’ll need to continue working but not too many hours or I’ll just get clobbered for tax. Shall need to cut back on a few things, I’ll try and afford this place, we shall see. 19 March. It’s 6.40am UK time. I slept in the sitting room last night, need to have my feet on the ground, when I lie down I get a terrible pain in both legs. The GP has diagnosed my knees as ‘wear and tear’, I’ve walked all my life, not to worry. My second of two days off from the day job and my partner is working today. There is so much I need to do. I’ve gained all the February files but there are twenty-six that need edited and all the rest. And there are March files that are on the box and I’m swiftly running out of space on it, I need to gain some of they files, doubt I’ll get all that done, but I’ll give it a go. 21 March. It’s not far off 9pm and I’m going to watch Patrick Christys, he talks the truth. I’m not long home from the day job, did another ten hour shift. My legs have been so sore since what, Christmas. They’re only sore after being on my feet for so long, I simply could not health wise do the shift I used to do, walking about an area of Glasgow all day, no chance. But I do not know if I can do what I’m doing for that much longer. I wouldn’t say they’re getting worse, but they ain’t getting better. 22 March. It’s 4pm in the UK and I’ve been doing some work on the files for my site. I still have sixteen February files to post that are in the Files To Post folder, I have fourteen February files in the pending folder which I am going to work on shortly, they all need an edit and sorted for posting. I also have nineteen March files that I’ve converted from mpeg to MP4 and they at some point need to be sorted for posting. The box is at 58% so I’m okay. I don’t check my dedicated bank account too often, I’ve got enough to get depressed about thank-you, there are no contributions. Add that to no comment from the world, I’m swiftly losing faith. I’m not giving this place up, I cannot. Perhaps it’s just me trying to protect myself by saying well at least I’m trying to do something about all the threats that our great nation is facing, I don’t know. 25 March. It’s left 8am UK time and I had footage on my stick when I was doing my sleepover Saturday into Sunday there for the day job. I was off shift meant to be at 11pm on the Saturday and the plan was I was going to get my laptop out of the sleepover drawer and do some of my own work. I also wanted to do a post. I never got near the sleepover drawer, far too mentally tired although I didn’t get much sleep cause my legs were really sore. I slept on the couch sitting up, oh well. 28 March. It’s nearly 5am UK time, not a great sleeper at the best of times, but with the problems with my legs just now and the need to sleep sitting up on the couch, I’m not getting much. Yesterday I spent time with my partner, we were both off from the day job and we’re both off today. Yesterday we went down town and bought this and that, stuff we didn’t really need, well it was snacks I guess and most of it was eaten yesterday watching the box set, or some of it, of New Tricks, watched them before, well worth a watch. I have files in the pending folder that need to be edited, it’s March files, but I have 19 files ready to post, they’re the last of the February files. So in effect I’ll still be posting February news files when we’re into April! Crazy. I’m going to spend time gaining campaign files. 29 March. It’s just left 4.30am, not very good at sleeping on a couch/sofa. I was supposed to be meeting up with my son and granddaughter this morning but unfortunately they’ve had to cancel as she’s unwell, really looking forward to it, but as long as she’s okay. Meeting up with my daughter this afternoon and looking forward to that. I was supposed to be sorting my state pension out this week, not done it yet. To be honest it’s sorting these legs out that has taken the time and used up my mind. I’m really worried that I’ll need to report the issue to the day job, and that could mean I’m out of a job as I cannot properly do the job. Gave bloods yesterday morning, shall get the results by the end of next week, if it’s not good then I need to be honest. I really need to sort out some campaign files today. I haven’t had the time to consider how to promote this place and how to make efforts at gaining some kind of financial support. 30 March. It’s nearly 6am UK time and I’m off from the day job today and tomorrow and back on a sleepover from Monday to Tuesday, I’ve been on annual leave all week, got to use the time up before the end of the financial year or I lose them. Not really done all that much on this place. It’s really been a blue doo with me trying to sort these legs out. I’ve been on strong painkillers for three days now and last night was the first night I was able to sleep in the bed, although I was up and down and didn’t get all that much sleep. The pain is more in my ankles and my feet are pretty badly swollen, need sorted for the day job on Monday. Today my partner is at work all day and I need to sort out the campaign files I’ve gained. 31 March. It’s left 6.30am UK time. Today is the final day of seven where I’ve been on annual leave from the day job. To summarize I could have done a lot more. The motivation I’m still struggling with, but I’m doing more at this place than perhaps I was, although when I’m on the day job I’m totally focused on that. I’ve now got a bank of campaign files ready to post. I’ve got shirts to iron for the week ahead, I need a shave, need to sort out papers and such for my rucksack for the day job. My plan to sort out what kind of pension I’ll get near the end of the year, no I didn’t do anything, I’m ducking out of that. To be honest, sorting these legs out has been difficult. With the medication I am seeing an improvement, but I still had to get out of the bed last night and sit sleeping with my feet on the ground. After saying that I think I got a few hours sleep. I have a sleepover Monday into Tuesday and I’m hoping my legs are stronger for the challenge.