Nov 2019. Tommy Robinson

November 2019. Tommy Robinson talking about Political Islam and the Dangers that it Blatantly is to our Culture and Society. The Politicians have clearly let the People Down. I can’t edit Mr Robinson’s words, they’re all So Correct, he describes it the way it is – “Our Security Services allow in more than three and a half thousand known Jihadi Scumbags to roam our streets while the UK Taxpayer foots the bill for these Disgusting,‭ D‬epraved,‭ D‬eath Loving Muslims, so they can be Monitored.‭ ‬It was only June last year‭ ‬400‭ ‬British Islamic State nut jobs have returned to our country after fighting for ISIS in the Middle East, so what’s our Government done about it? Well in short, they let them back in and then they monitor them!‭ ‬Fucking crazy.‭ ‬The British Public is Sick and Tired of this Limp Wristed,‭ P‬olitically Correct Elites of this country doing Nothing, whilst our Children are Legitimate Targets to Die because of political correct hand ringing.‭ ‬We need a Different Approach.‭ ‬We need to be Much,‭ M‬uch Stronger.‭ ‬Why are we letting these people back into the UK‭? ‬Why do we not adequately deal with these Murderous Scumbags‭? Are t‬he Human Rights of Terrorists‭ ‬More Important than the Innocent Children that they Target in their Jihadi Operations?‭ ‬Our politicians have got this situation Arse End Backwards.‭ ‬They need to adjust their priorities and very fucking quickly before more innocent people die needlessly.‭ ‬Shut the door! Have a Monitorium on all Islamic Immigration into the UK and fuck the pampered Lefties who whine about it because they are Part of the Problem.‭ ‬Not just here,‭ ‬but across the world. I mean, even in America they have these issues‭ a‬nd Donald Trump is hammered by the left for wanting a travel ban imposed on a number of non Islamic States that support terrorism when there is no way of properly vetting the people coming into USA. Has the World gone fucking Insane?‭ ‬Wake up you stupid fucking Liberal Wankers.‭

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