Western Culture under Attack Part 18

“We’re outraged about what’s happening in Minneapolis, but really us guys home in Australia need to take a stand together here … because they can actually see the racism and injustice against our people,” said Paul Francis-Silva, Dungay’s nephew, to Australia’s ABC News. In France, too, Floyd’s death rekindled memories of a 2016 incident in which Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old from the suburbs of Paris, died of asphyxiation after being detained by police. Traoré’s case triggered, as my colleague James McAuley put it at the time, France’s own Black Lives Matter movement. “How can one not think of Adama’s terrible suffering when he had three police officers on him and he was repeating, ‘I can’t breathe,’” a Traoré support group wrote on Facebook last week. “His name was George Floyd, who just like Adama died because they were black.” It’s totally Nuts!!


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