The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 5

Who was behind the mysterious Georgia Guidestones?  They were erected on a hill in Elbert County, GA in 1980 and consist of four massive standing stones with a shared capstone.  They are arranged as an astronomical clock and calendar. They are carved with 10 commandments in 8 languages proclaiming to herald the Age of Reason. … Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 5

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 4

This episode delves into the Protocols of Zion in which the Elders of Zion describe their goals for absolute world domination.  Some have labeled this work a hoax.  It was first published in Russia in 1905, but much of it appears to have been copied from older texts.  For example, it is very similar to… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 4

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 3

It was now time for the Cabal to take revenge on Russia.  They chose Lenin as their front man.  Lenin was influenced by Karl Marx who wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. Marx had been trained by the Jesuits who embraced Communism as part of their doctrine.  Using the Bolsheviks, the Jesuits promoted the Russian… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 3

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 2

In 1748, Johann Adam Weishaupt was born in southern Germany.  He was raised by Jesuits who groomed him to become a professor in canon law at the Jesuit University.  Adam spent his time rewriting ancient historical documents that dealt with Luciferian ideology.  In 1773, he was approached by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to help found a… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 2

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 1

The Fall of the Cabal is on my site, best to view the 10 parts before viewing the sequel. The first  episode of the sequel takes us back thousands of years to the ancient civilization of Sumer.  The Sumerians had a highly developed society with impressive architecture, art and modern conveniences.  Their lands included Babylonia… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 1

The Fall of the Cabal (The Return of the King) Part 10

I don’t like to say it but I do feel that Janet Ossebaard is now in the Alex Jones league which I thought of as one, but there we go. Janet talks about how we’re in deep pearl and we’ll be on our way out with these super people I guess. I agree we’re in… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (The Return of the King) Part 10

The Fall of the Cabal (The Dawn of a New World) Part 9

Where I feel this falls down is there are too many people of what I consider sincere Principle in Life that are getting shot down! I understand the focus of the video, I actually don’t agree with it, but I do strongly agree in the right of Free Speech and a great speech is made… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (The Dawn of a New World) Part 9

The Fall of the Cabal (Beyond Kings & Queens) Part 8

To be honest I held it together till this episode, Janet Ossebaard basically is arguing that there is us the people and there is them the Cabal that are basically treating us all like idiots, and have been since before Christ. If some truth, perhaps Christ would have made a comment? If truth perhaps more… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (Beyond Kings & Queens) Part 8

The Fall of the Cabal (Witches and Warlocks) Part 7

We hear about Marina Abramovitic and how her Evil appetites included the eating of people. We also hear about the Dutch Royal Family and their involvement with the Nazi Party in Germany.   Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld was up to his neck in involvement with the Nazi Party,  he kept in touch with his old mates,… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (Witches and Warlocks) Part 7