The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 11

We continue to follow the Bill Gates money trail.  It seems that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is involved in everything that controls our lives.  They are invested in big mining, construction, defence, agribusiness, beverage companies, chemical and pharmaceutical companies and fossil fuels, including 35 companies with the worst environmental and human rights abuse… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 11

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 10

Part 10 exposes Bill Gates’ financial interest in companies like Alphabet (Google, Twitter, YouTube) and Apple who are heavily involved with surveillance, tracking and censorship, as well as his investments in major online retailers such as Amazon and Alibaba who have been implicated in questionable marketing activities.  His relationship to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 10

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 9

Bill Gates’ obsession with genetically modifying everything he can lay his hands on is exposed.  Also, his secret collaboration with U.S. Army biowarfare research is revealed. In 2016, Gates determined that the chickens that African farmers raised were too skinny and their eggs too small, so he set about developing a new species.  The African… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 9

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 8

This episode examines Bill Gates’ rise to prominence, his family connections and his interest in eugenics. While Gates’ public persona is that of a philanthropist and American success story, his involvement in vaccination programs in third world countries through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been an unmitigated disaster and has caused untold suffering.… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 8

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 7

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and charities operating under the auspices of the United Nations are exposed as nothing more than money laundering operations that provide tax exemptions for wealthy families while funneling dark money to leftist political causes.  Billions are exchanged between foundations that are run by different members of the same family, keeping the money… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 7

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 6

This episode discusses the role of Henry Kissinger and the United Nations in worldwide population control.  In 1973, Kissinger authored a plan to steal the resources of less developed countries by first stabilizing them through population reduction.  This resulted in forced abortions and sterilizations in many countries.  Foreign aid was withheld from nations that did… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 6