Closed by YouTube

YouTube have closed my channel! I’m not a Hate Speech guy, I strongly support Free Speech; my Dad was one of Millions who fought in the Second World War for me to exercise my Rights. MSM is now a Propoganda machine for the Progressive Liberals and Globalists. Crazy times. There’s a Muslim Invasion of Europe… Continue reading Closed by YouTube

Free Speech Part 1

Freedom of speech is a bellwether: how any society tolerates those with minority, disfavored, or even obnoxious views will often speak to its performance on human rights more generally. In international law, access to information and free expression are two sides of the same coin, and both have found tremendous accelerators in the Internet and… Continue reading Free Speech Part 1

Jun 2015. The Sugar Daddy

June 2015. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting too old for this modern world. This is about the sugar daddy! Yeah I know, what’s that got to do with terror and I’m not sure if it is according to this footage because nobody sees a problem in students getting sucked in to a prostitution mode.… Continue reading Jun 2015. The Sugar Daddy