005. Katie Hopkins on Labour Conference Part 2

Katie Hopkins underlines the Simple Truths in Life, she talks about the Labour Policies on Pakistani Immigrants, “And then when we’ve given them all of that, we’re also going to say, now you get a Vote as well, because you’re gonna vote with Labour, because we’ve treated you as Victims.‭ ‬We’ve made you feel great… Continue reading 005. Katie Hopkins on Labour Conference Part 2

005. Katie Hopkins on Labour Conference Part 1

Katie Hopkins, talking about the Socialists, “Straight from the Socialist Handbook,‭ w‬e’re going to All do much Less, but somehow, get paid the Same Amount, if not Much More; so Labour want to have a four day working week!‭ ‬They want a Minimum Wage of ten pounds an hour and I quote, ‘There will be… Continue reading 005. Katie Hopkins on Labour Conference Part 1