Douglas Murray talking on why People don’t have as many Babies as they used to, “It was a very small number who said I’m not interested in the Kid Business. So this argument we hear about why it happened then, why it happened in the 50s, why it happened now, why it happened in 2015,… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 6
Tag: Democracy
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 5
Douglas Murray talks about Charles Martel who was a Frankish Ruler of the Carolingian line from 718 until his death in 741.He is famous for the Battle of Tours, in October of 732, where he defeated the Islamic Umayyad Empire and saved Europe from Islamic domination. Mark Steyn reminds him, “You’re in France and you… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 5
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 4
It’s pointed out that the Media want us to think that the people coming to Europe will become European, this is Shot Down. “The presumption we’ve had is that if you were, the Lie of more than a Generation is, you walk into the Italian islands or the Greek islands or anywhere else, you walk… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 4
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 3
Mark Steyn points out, “The majority of Swedes alive now will live long enough to see them become a Minority in their own country. This is Sweden which is kind of as far north as you can go in Europe!” Douglas Murray elaborates with, “I mean the Swedes have got No Reason to have post-colonial… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 3
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 2
Mark Steyn points out that “You begin with a very Nuts and Bolts chapter on Immigration, and you make the very basic point that all the most anti immigrant figures in the 1960s, what has happened is on a scale beyond all their Doomsday Predictions… Enoch Powell who is a prominent conservative and gave a… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 2
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 1
Mark Steyn asks Douglas Murray why we seem to Accept a Terrorist Attack and simply Move On, “I was so Fed Up with writing about sort of bits of this question when the Migration Crisis in 2015 really Kicked Off. I was writing pieces, going to the places in Greece and Ireland, Italy and elsewhere,… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 1
009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 7
Jordan Peterson is asked about Relationships, “Well it is Trouble life is trouble, and it’s Troubled to Establish a Permanent Relationship. I mean, we’ve told young people for far too long that while they should be Happy in their Relationships let’s say, and it’s like that’s a week!” Talking to the audience he continues, “Most… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 7
009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 6
Jordan Peterson is asked about Hope, “It’s such a Perverse sort of Hope. Because I would say for the last forty five years we’ve told Psychologists you’re okay the way you are! That’s what we tell young people! Well, you’re okay the way you are! It’s like, and there’s nothing Worse than you can tell… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 6
009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 5
Jordan Peterson gets Emotional, “And we also know that it’s Better to Live Courageously than Cowardly. Everyone knows that, that’s what you teach people that you love! And we know that it’s Better to Live Truthfully than in Deceit. And you can tell that too, because that’s Also what you tell people that you love!… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 5
009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 4
Jordan Peterson sometimes Scares the Hell out of me, “Do you know how deep this War goes in some sense? I can give you an example. You know there’s a Free Debate about Free Speech on campus, but what you don’t understand is it isn’t a Debate about who can Speak. It’s a Debate about… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 4