017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 10

Peter Robinson quoting text from Douglas Murray’s book – From the Treaty of Westphalia‭ in 16‬48‭ ‬up to the late‭ ‬20th century,‭ ‬the Nation State had generally been regarded not only as the Best Guarantor of the Constitutional Order and Liberal Rights,‭ ‬but the Ultimate Guarantor of Peace.‭ ‬Yet this certainty has also Ended.‭ ‬Central European figures like Chancellor Kohl of Germany in 1996 insisted that, and here you quote‭ ‬Kohl, ‘The Nation State cannot solve the Great Problems of the‭ ‬21st Century, close quotes. But, Brexit and the European Elections? Discuss”. Douglas Murray – “Brexit was an attempt by the British public,‭ ‬a majority of the British public,‭ ‬to Reassert their Belief in the Nation State.‭ ‬I voted Brexit,‭ ‬like most of my fellow countrymen,‭ ‬and I did so I think, for the same reasons as most of them,‭ ‬which is that I thought we’d lost our Understanding of how we were Governed. And that this was absolutely Central is one reason why we’ve had a Pretty Peaceful Country,‭ ‬Britain,‭ ‬for some Hundreds of Years.‭ ‬Parliament was Elected by the People.‭ ‬It was Accountable to the People.‭ ‬And if it Let you Down,‭ ‬you Turfed them Out! And this wasn’t so with the European Union,‭ ‬we felt, and I know lots of people who think very differently to that.‭ ‬But most of us in Britain felt we didn’t know how we were governed.‭ ‬We didn’t know how to get rid of them.‭ ‬We didn’t know who they were once they were put there.‭ ‬We didn’t know who put them there! A Brexit vote is a shout of a Reassertion that we would like to be governed in the way that we thought we were governed!”


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