Jun 2021. The Butcher of Bosnia

Convicted war criminal and former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic has lost his appeal against his genocide conviction. UN (United Nations) judges decided to uphold Mladic’s convictions and life sentence for masterminding genocide and other atrocities throughout Bosnia’s 1992-95 war. The ruling will be the final verdict in the case against the man dubbed… Continue reading Jun 2021. The Butcher of Bosnia

Mar 2016. Karadzic and Abuse of Religion

March 2016. You know I’m told that there’s certain things you shouldn’t say cause it just Causes Trouble. I know what that Means and how that Feels, but things should still be said, and hopefully Listened To. Then the Response should be Properly Listened To, is that not how you gain a Wee Bit of… Continue reading Mar 2016. Karadzic and Abuse of Religion