Stopping Smoking

NUMBERED DAYS. A smoker takes a puff from a cigarette in Davao City yesterday. Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella said President Duterte is set to sign an executive order on nationwide smoking ban soon. LEAN DAVAL JR.

Today, the 2nd of January is the day me and my partner decided we’d stop smoking. I’m on my fourth cigarette, she’s only had two. We’re both using puffers and for it being the early evening, 4 for me isn’t all that bad. I blame it on the Old Firm football game, really good and really exciting, hard not to have a cigarette, but then, any excuse will work. My partner’s grand-son is visiting, another great excuse for a cigarette; I used to really enjoy kids and I’d roll about the floor with them, but I’m now at an age where I just hear and see them as a distraction, far too loud and far too lame! It’s a crazy world we now have, our kids are our future and I seriously feel they’ve been indoctrinated into this crazy woke world, is there a way of recovery? Don’t know, hope so. Back to my stopping smoking, there are so many reasons not to stop, but there are as many to do the opposite. I’ve always chose the former, I’ve always smoked since the early teenage years, tons of reasons to have a cigarette, to be a man, to be sexy to be the same! Changed days tell us different things thankfully, perhaps I’m finally hearing. If you’re smoking, stop being an idiot, if you’re thinking of smoking, stop that thinking process.

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