Mar 2020. Coronavirus World Lockdown Part 7

March 2020. Coronavirus is spreading in the UK and a major epidemic is expected. A worst case scenario could see 80% of people infected if nothing is done. The UK government is attempting to delay the spread of coronavirus and reduce the epidemic’s peak (when the number of cases is highest). It says that from Friday: All people with flu-like symptoms – a fever above 37.8C or a persistent cough – should self-isolate (stay at home, away from other people) for seven days. Schools should not take trips abroad. Older people and those with pre-existing health conditions should avoid cruises. Further measures will be taken as the number of coronavirus infections moves towards its peak: Everyone over 70 will be told “within the coming weeks” to stay at home for an extended period. If someone in your home falls ill, the whole household will be told to isolate itself for 14 days. It is hoped these steps could significantly reduce the number of infections and cut deaths by up to a third.

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