Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 6

Heather MacDonald – “I hear that people say,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬how do you raise a moral kid without religion‭? ‬Aristotle said,‭ ‬virtue is habit.‭ ‬And I I don’t know why I was not raised in a religious family, but is it really the case that a parent says to his five year old son,‭ ‬don’t hit your three year old brother because Jesus said not to‭? ‬Or is it just do not hit your 3‭ ‬year old brother‭? ‬You know,‭ ‬I think the authority from parental authority is sufficient.‭ ‬And you acclimate children to a set of behaviours that are self controlling,‭ ‬deferring gratification by just teaching.‭ ‬This is how we behave.‭ ‬And through the inculcation of habit,‭ ‬I don’t think in raising children,‭ ‬I just can’t imagine,‭ a‬t what point you need to invoke the Ten Commandments‭?” Ms MacDonald continues, “ A‬nd it’s also something that we’re now playing with Fire of being able to Disagree Amicably.‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬I don’t know if we should all be like Screaming,‭ send‬ in the fire trucks.‭ ‬But this growing Civil Violence that is predominantly on the Left,‭ ‬the Antifa Violence is it is playing with Tribal hatreds in a way that I think is Extremely Naive.‭ ‬If we think that America is permanently immune from the type of violence that still characterizes other societies.‭ ‬And nobody on the Left seems to know.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬first off,‭ ‬CNN ignores it basically and then the politicians don’t say anything about it.”‭


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