Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 5

Heather MacDonald – “Even if we’ve got jobs moving off off shore,‭ ‬there still are individual choices that people can make that vastly increase their chances of success.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬do not have children out of wedlock study.‭ ‬Do not get involved in drugs,‭ ‬don’t become a pothead.‭ ‬These are all within individual agency.‭ ‬Obviously,‭ ‬the left doesn’t want to acknowledge that because there is some sort of interest in expanding bureaucracies to deal with dysfunction. But the bureaucracy grows larger and larger every place as a substitute for saying to individuals,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬pull up your bootstraps and you can do it yourself.‭ ‬There’s an odd thing where then the conservatives and the libertarians who are against authoritarianism by nature need a little bit of authoritarian structure,‭ ‬so to speak.‭ ‬And the tragedy,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬to bring back to the disparate impact idea,‭ ‬something that we’ve just been going through with with Trump’s education secretary.‭ ‬The Obama administration had this idea that was already bubbling on the progressive left in education schools,‭ ‬that if black kids are disciplined more than white kids,‭ ‬that must be because of teacher racism.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬you are not allowed to look at behaviour.‭ ‬This is the key.‭ ‬The left will never look at behaviour.‭ T‬he Obama rule said you may not discipline black kids more and as a result.‭ ‬Kids are running amok in schools.‭ ‬They’re attacking their teacher.‭ ‬Basically,‭ ‬you just put these arbitrary rules in that clearly don’t fit what is actually happening.‭ ‬But it makes you feel good.‭ ‬It makes you blame whites,‭ ‬everything.‭ ‬It’s all the product of white racism!”


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