Heather MacDonald makes a very good point about the fact that in our Cultures nowadays, the more one can be seen as a Victim, the more one can be seen as a Hero. Crazy. “We’re in a very weird position in our culture generally where the classical virtues venerated strength and accomplishment perhaps to a fault, you know, because you had warrior cultures. And for four centuries the main calling for males for accomplishment was war. But the classical virtues again celebrated heroism. We now are in a very strange position in this culture where we venerate victims. And so if you can arrogate to yourself some victim status and certainly the burgeoning category of gender identity is a mark of these students desperate to find one final way of being transgressive that will not be immediately assimilated into a new door diversity sinecure. But they are there’s no way they’re going to give up that sacred, rarified status of Victim. And again, there’s nothing more tolerant than in an American college campus. If you’re not challenging the orthodoxy, but this is the most tolerant environment in human history for societies, traditionally marginalized groups, it actively celebrates those traits that can still get you Stoned or Killed elsewhere…And unfortunately, there aren’t enough brave professors to push back on this. And then it becomes this self-fulfilling thing because then the teachers start feeding into it in the whole, I think.”
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 2