Health Practice Empty

Had a nurse appointment for bloods this morning. There’s a large waiting room that used to be really busy in the morning, stood there waiting for the guy to finish typing whatever he was typing. The place was empty, not a living soul sitting in the waiting room!! I was stunned at the time. The guy asked me to put a mask on! He’s talking to me through a plastic screen for God’s sake! I asked why? He answered, “For the protection of our staff!” I complied, I’m raging, I should’ve walked out! A wee lassie called my name and took my bloods and I was directed out the fire escape, a two minute job. She was wearing her mask and I was wearing mine. And I wonder why I get angry endlessly witnessing the elderly walking on their own with a mask on!! The Fear Game continues! Trying to stop smoking, not had one all yesterday and today, got home and lit a fag, slurping a coffee and trying to calm down, not working. Sitting at the keyboard and this is just a testament to the horrors the World Governments have inflicted on us.

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