020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 5

Mark Collett – “One of the things you said there‭ ‬I’ve really got a comment on,‭ ‬as you talked about these Youngsters and they have their pictures taken with the Police Officers,‭ ‬who’s got the Submachine Gun or the Assault Rifle. For us,‭ ‬that’s quite Jarring because I remember as a Child,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬going… Continue reading 020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 5

020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 4

Mark Collett talking about Multi-Culturalism and Diversity “We’ve all talked about Merkel’s sort of Diversity Barriers.‭ ‬We’ve talked about the fact that city centres,‭ ‬especially in capital cities,‭ ‬are Locked Down.‭ ‬But I’ve lived in Leeds since‭ ‬1998,‭ ‬and they’ve done it here in Leeds now.‭ ‬All of the streets that were obviously access roads… Continue reading 020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 4

020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 3

Mark Collett -‭ “‬And we went to Brussels via the Eurostar,‭ w‬e got the train over there,‭ w‬e didn’t fly.‭ ‬And when you emerged from the Eurostar and you start heading towards the sort of tourist area,‭ ‬you have to cut through the Ghettos before you get to that Nice Bubble.‭ ‬And one thing that… Continue reading 020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 3

020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 2

Mark Collett – “You go to these shopping centres,‭ ‬places like High Cross in Leicester, and then there’s the Bullring in Birmingham.‭ ‬And when you go into them,‭ ‬they are actually Beautiful Buildings.‭ ‬They are very well maintained,‭ t‬hey are always made from what looks like very,‭ ‬very fine Quality Materials.‭ ‬You know,‭ ‬you often… Continue reading 020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 2

020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 1

IconoChat talks to Mark Collett, one of the biggest voices in the Nationalist Movement in Britain,‭ ‬an extremely Passionate Man who wants nothing but the Best for the British People and the country as a whole. He’s asked, “How old were you exactly when you realized that something was wrong with Britain‭? ‬Did you look… Continue reading 020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 1

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17

Douglas Murray is asked about the Attitude of the People of the UK, “I mean one of the things of recent months, both Brexit, has been noticing the way in which people on the continent are very Distrusting of the People actually…I do still have a Faith in people’s Decency and Honesty, and I don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 16

Douglas Murray is asked if Violence can be Avoided in the Saving of UK Culture, “The People Matter.‭ Whither‬ an Italian Left Wing Feminist or a Gay Politician.‭ ‬People Matter! And in a way one of the worst things about the kind of Class Struggle Socioeconomic view of history is, it tells people You Don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 16

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15

Douglas Murray talks on the Islamization of Europe and the Chances of Rescuing Christianity or at least its Beliefs, “Well it’s certainly beyond any one politician or any one Generation of Politicians, and I’ve come to the view that I think you’re right, I mean I was probably more Optimistic‭ Ten Y‬ears Ago, then events… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 14

Douglas Murray on Christianity, “The argument about the position of religion to that extent has more or less been sorted out.‭ ‬But there’s something that the non-religious then have to do, which is and I think this is a quid pro quo, which is to Concede that in matters like Issues to do with Life… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 14

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 13

Mark Steyn reminds us that if there’s a Terror Event, “The Bombers will never force us to change our British Values!” But they Values have Changed and are Changing. Douglas Murray notes, “This is the Consequence of something what happens when you take in the World.‭ ‬If you can import the world into your country… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 13