We’ve all heard the arguments over how Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration do not respect the referendum result in areas including fishing, trade, financial contributions and our laws. But the public, MPs and even ministers seem to be oblivious to one of the greatest sleights of hand in recent political history: how Theresa… Continue reading EU will Take Control of UK Military
Author: Tommysg
Boris Johnson Humiliates Jeremy Corbyn
Boris Johnson simply Obliterates Jeremy Corbyn in Parliament. Johnson says “He [Corbyn]wants to abolish fee paying schools at a cost of Seven Billion Pounds to the Taxpayer. He wants a four day working week cutting the incomes of the lowest paid in this country. He wants to abolish Ofsted. And now we hear he wants… Continue reading Boris Johnson Humiliates Jeremy Corbyn
Boris Johnson – We Need to Get Brexit Done
Boris Johnson makes comment on the Language and Threats being made to Parliamentarians. He says, “I think the threats against MPs and female employees are absolutely Appalling. And we’re doing a lot of work to give employees the Security that they Need. But then there’s Another Question which is, can you use words like Surrender… Continue reading Boris Johnson – We Need to Get Brexit Done
Ann Widdecombe and Brexit Part 3
Ann Widdecombe is a Great Orator, very Eloquent and To the Point. She states, “No I do not know whether Boris really means it when he says we are Going on the thirty first of October, but if he does mean it, and even More Important than That, if he can really Achieves It, and… Continue reading Ann Widdecombe and Brexit Part 3
Ann Widdecombe and Brexit Part 2
Ann Widdecombe makes the point that the Brexit Party are Attracting the ‘Ordinary’ Briton. She makes it clear in her own immutable style, “Storming ahead and rising in poll after poll. Here we are, off to just 25 weeks. And that more than anything else demonstrates how Angry and Frustrated and Fed Up Britain is… Continue reading Ann Widdecombe and Brexit Part 2
Ann Widdecombe and Brexit Part 1
Ann Widdecombe really Hits it on the Head when she says, “We do not want some souped up version of Theresa May’s Surrender Document… When you Surrender the Power to decide what happens in your own country to a Foreign Power, what is that if not Surrender? So if they don’t like the word Surrender… Continue reading Ann Widdecombe and Brexit Part 1
Bill Warner – When Muslims Do Not Assimilate Part 3
Islamic Law isn’t about Assimilation, because the Sharia has to be Dominant over all forms of law, and under the Sharia, the Kafirs are Demis, that is, we’re to be Subjugated. The Koran 8:74 states the true Muslim is who Migrate and then Create Jihad in order to create the Sharia. Hadith: Kenz al Umal… Continue reading Bill Warner – When Muslims Do Not Assimilate Part 3
Bill Warner – When Muslims Do Not Assimilate Part 2
The Koran states ‘Fight them [the Kafirs] until there’s no more discourse in the Religion of Allah, but Reigns Absolute, but if they Submit, then only fight those who do Wrong, that is, those who do not follow the Sharia’. (2:193). Now, is this about Assimilation? No, it’s about Domination. Muhammad makes it clear that… Continue reading Bill Warner – When Muslims Do Not Assimilate Part 2
Bill Warner – When Muslims Do Not Assimilate Part 1
Dr Bill Warner asks why don’t Muslims Assimilate? The short answer is Muhammad and the Koran. To get more Involved – in Mecca Muhammad was a Preacher who was Persuaded to Leave, and he went to Medina. Five years later there was no Assimilation, it was Annialation! Half the town originally contained three Jewish Tribes… Continue reading Bill Warner – When Muslims Do Not Assimilate Part 1
Tommy Robinson on Channel 4 idea of Moderate Muslims
Channel 4 News was correctly Criticised for giving a Platform to a Racist Islamist who has previously declared her hatred of “honkies” and “Israeli Parasites” and her support for Terrorists. The Media Outlet described her as a ‘Moderate Muslim’. The woman introduced herself in the report showcasing Muslim women “who reject stereotypes” by saying, “My… Continue reading Tommy Robinson on Channel 4 idea of Moderate Muslims