014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 1

George Galloway is asked if Boris Johnson is Right in putting an Ultimatum to Parliament and Vote on the Proposed Deal and then have an Election, “He’s absolutely right to be doing so.‭ ‬This Parliament has Forfeited any right to the Respect of the Public and it Has None.‭ ‬It’s almost universally Despised,‭ ‬not least because they Refused to allow the people to elect or unelected them.‭ ‬So the Threat of an Election is entirely Justifiable,‭ ‬but the reality is,‭ ‬I’m afraid,‭ ‬a little different.‭ ‬Not so much a Strong Arm as a Weak Arm,‭ ‬because he can’t actually get a General Election unless Parliament votes for it.‭ ‬Two thirds of them have to vote for an Election.‭ ‬And if the Opposition keeps saying No,‭ ‬we want you to stay in power, I‭ ‬Appreciate‭ t‬hat’s Unusual for an Opposition.‭ ‬Then there will be No Election!”‭


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