Tommy Robinson talks about the State, the UK Establishment trying to Blackmail him into working for them. “Two months before the end of my prison sentence I had a visit, and I’m told it was my lawyers, and when I went there, there was two men who were younger than me sitting there, and they… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 6
Author: Tommysg
008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 5
“This went on for Four Years, this case. You know what, it’s a hard thing to Explain, because it did nearly Break Me, because, I can take a Punch in the Nose, yeah, Every Day, more so than the Destruction and the Mental Problems from what they Done to my Family, because, I said when… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 5
008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 4
“They put me on a Financial Restraining order, they Froze my Assets. They Closed my Companies. At the start of the English Defence League I owned Seven Properties and had Two Successful Businesses, from a plumbing business it turned over £400,000. So it was a Success. We were Successful. They Froze Everything. They Closed Everything.… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 4
008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 3
“So that was the start of a continued campaign. Three months later, the same property, the door comes in again. Six o’clock in the morning. What now. I said to the Police Officer, okay, you’re doing your job. And he said I’m sorry Stephen we’re here to Arrest your Wife. I said you’re gonna arrest… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 3
008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 2
Tommy Robinson talking about his Persecution at the hands of the UK Government, “Yeah well they’ve locked you up, you didn’t commit a crime. Now you’ve been in Prison for three days, that’s what’s gone on for nine years with me…Your life’s been put in Danger with people, and for nothing, because you want to… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 2
008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 1
Brittany Pettibone interviewing Tommy Robinson in Vienna cause she was denied entry to the UK to do the Interview. The Home Office describe Mr Robinson as a Far Right Leader who incites Racial Hatred. “I’ve never spoke about Race ever in my life! Quite the Opposite actually. I only speak about an Ideology. I don’t… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 1
007. Nigel Farage on Boris Johnson Part 2
Nigel Farage, in Relaxed Mode, continues talking about Boris Johnson’s Tory Conference Speech, “Well let’s get Brexit Done was the Big Message obviously, although he didn’t spend a huge amount of time talking about the EU, he talked about everything else. The big theme of it, apart from Brexit, was One Nation Toryism, is actually… Continue reading 007. Nigel Farage on Boris Johnson Part 2
007. Nigel Farage on Boris Johnson Part 1
Nigel Farage making comment on the Boris Johnson Conference Speech, “This is exactly what We Did, they Copied! They literally Copy everything with it, it’s Comical, I don’t think they’ve got a Single Idea!”…On Theresa May, “You couldn’t invent it could you! She was Useless!…It’s clear that Boris Johnson is going to make a Dreadful… Continue reading 007. Nigel Farage on Boris Johnson Part 1
006. Nigel Farage on Sky News Part 3
Nigel Farage being asked about the Language in Parliament, It would have been better to say ‘axed’, I should have said, ‘we’ll take the axe to Whitehall’ because that’s a more Traditional Term, although you can go back to Harold Macmillan who was known as Mack the Knife if you wanted to know axe would… Continue reading 006. Nigel Farage on Sky News Part 3
006. Nigel Farage on Sky News Part 2
Nigel Farage is asked about working with the Tory Party, “Look at the European Elections where you know, a six week old party won the National Polls! Look where we scored the Highest. We scored the highest in the northeast of England. We scored the highest in parts of South Wales. We were getting our… Continue reading 006. Nigel Farage on Sky News Part 2