Aug 2019. A Solution to Muslim Extremism

I feel Passionately that our Culture is under Threat from Political Islam. The Extremists Justify their behaviour of Threatening, of Violence, of Terrorism by sighting the words in the Koran. Mohamad Tawhidi says, “If we have Two Sources, both Authentic, both dating back to the same era, both are Reliable, Why do you follow the Violent One? Why don’t you follow the Peaceful Reading?” A Extremist Muslim in the UK states Proudly in Public on the Streets of the UK, “If the Law of the Land is Islamic, we’ll Respect the Law of the Land…if it’s Not Islamic, then the Law of the Land and those that make it can Go To Hell!” Why is this guy and whomever Agrees with that still here? Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev argues that “Individual Transformation is the Only Solution, but that’s not a Quick Solution, but a Lasting Solution”. I’m not at all sure we have the Time. Tawhidi agrees that “Islam can Never be Reformed, Individuals Can”. Sadhguru observes, “Evolution is the Only Solution. We have to put them through a Spiritual Process, a Spiritual Process means must be Understood, something Beyond Physicality must be brought into their life”. Tawhidi reinforces this with “If you look at what the Muslims believe is the Word of God in the Holy Quran, it’s only made up of a few hundred pages and I’m pretty sure you’d agree with me that God has a Lot More to say than just 300 Pages!” Sadhguru concludes with a very sharp point, “If you do something Stupid today, tonight your Intelligence will bother you, Why did I do this? But, if it is God Endorsed or Scripture Endorsed, you can do it, you can do they things with Great Confidence!” Aye…Look, I’m not involving myself in Hate Speech, I Do Not Hate Nobody! I am just Extremely Concerned about where my Culture is going. Criticism used to be a Right in this country, Free Speech has been Defended by our Armed Forces and it’s being Attacked now from the Inside Out. It’s All Wrong, and I am Very Concerned, as You should be.

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