He’s serving a 13 month sentence in Prison and Katie Hopkins asks Tommy Robinson how he ended up being moved from a ‘safe’ prison in Hull to a ‘potentially lethal’ prison in London – “I asked the Head Governor of the Prison who has brought me here, he said it’s above my pay grade, who’s above his pay grade, the Government!” He’s asked about his safety, having to Isolate himself, “You’re in there for Twenty Three and a Half Hours a Day. And for 30 minutes they take you out and they put you into a cage! This looked upon by all of the cell windows, so you’re put in a cage like a Little Animal, you can then walk around for your exercise!. Now within minutes of me being put down in the block, there were Threats and Screams and Shouts, because the Prisoners, the Muslims saw me being brought in!” How can our Government behave like this?