016. Katie Hopkins with Tommy Robinson Part 7

Tommy Robinson talking about Prison. “The main induction wing, there were Muslims on it, but you have to understand that in the demographic of the area of the country where I was in prison, only‭ ‬7‭ ‬percent of that population within the prison were Muslim prisoners.‭ ‬So then I had my first legal visit in the prison where then we booked a visit for the Friday where my QC was gonna come and we were going to discuss my appeal and to appeal the conviction and appeal the sentence.‭ ‬Now days before that appeal in the morning my door opened they said You’re Gong.‭ ‬And I said Where am I going?‭ ‬I said Why am I going?‭ ‬They had me in a position where I was Fine. It was Very Easy for that prison because in the hospital there’s No Muslims no Muslim Prisoners. I was moved.‭ ‬I was taken from HMP Hull to HMP Onley.‭ ‬And when you get to a prison you have an original meeting with the prison staff where they talk to you.‭ ‬And he said Well Look, obviously you’re aware there’s a large Muslim Population in this Prison.‭ ‬I said yes because it’s a London prison.‭ ‬So obviously we know where the population is going to be.‭ ‬So he said you should Self Isolate.‭ S‬elf Isolation would be if I was a prisoner and I wanted protection or I was Scared I’d say I’m not coming out my cell. So I said,‭ ‬I’m never going to sign for Self Isolate.‭ ‬And they said well it’s gonna be Dangerous.‭ ‬I said,‭ ‬every time I open my Front Door it’s Dangerous.”‭ Mr Robinson was moved from Hull, very Few Muslims to Onley, a Lot of Muslims. Reason? To make Life as Difficult as Possible and to try and Teach him a Lesson. It didn’t work.


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