024. Would you Mind Eating Halal

Dil Peeling of the Compassion in World Farming – “Certainly the body of the science does show that slaughtering an animal when it is still conscious is a painful process for it and it elicits a lot of anxiety with it.‭ ‬That’s not just me saying so.‭ ‬That’s the government’s most senior and influential advisory body.‭ ‬That’s the Farm Animal Welfare Council and also the European Union.‭ ‬Select all the main experts on animal welfare,‭ ‬all under the name of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health,‭ ‬Animal Welfare.‭ ‬They all describe it as unhealthy.‭ ‬And there is no way that taking a blade to the sensitive structures of the neck can be deemed as as humane.” Mo Ansar initially counters with – “There’s‭ ‬100‭ ‬years of research,‭ ‬which includes from from Schulz,‭ ‬who was the, who spoke from the University of Natural Sciences in Hanover in Germany.‭ ‬That was even in the‭ ‬70s,‭ ‬who said that they put electrocardiograms on animals and when they was slaughtered using the whole Alicia Keaton method,‭ ‬it’s no more inhumane than the best of all the other methods!” Dil Peeling counters -”I’m not relying on hundred year old research for this.‭ ‬With modern research,‭ ‬we can measure the electrical patterns when that knife goes across those sensitive areas.‭ ‬Those are actually patterns show it hurts.‭ ‬So it just went.‭ ‬When police looked in from a severed windpipe that caused them to choke.‭ ‬When the blood pressure drops,‭ ‬that causes anxiety.‭ ‬That’s scientifically proven.‭ ‬And that’s not a subjective debate,‭ ‬just if theory looking the other way.” Just like this Mo Ansar wanting Barbaric Slaughter for the Animals, I consider he got Barbaric Slaughter from Dil Peeling.


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