020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 9

Mark Collett on the BNP – “Well,‭ ‬I had two sort of notable roles.‭ ‬The first was that I was leader of the young BNP,‭ ‬which was my first role in the party,‭ ‬and that was something that,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬no young man should be ever put in charge of leading other young men!‭ ‬Any Youth Movement needs to be run by somebody who is much older than‭ ‬30.‭ ‬It needs to be run by somebody,‭ ‬you know.‭ ‬You can’t have a Scouting Movement where,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬the Scouts control the other Scouts.‭ ‬There has to be an Adult in Charge and there should have definitely been adults in charge of the BNP Youth Movement.‭ ‬So that was something which I would definitely Change.‭ ‬But my second role was Head of Publicity,‭ ‬which was far more suited to sort of a young and talented man, I’m not trying to be big headed,‭ ‬but I was Very Good at Design,‭ t‬hat’s my Job,‭ ‬I’m a Designer.‭ ‬And I designed the party’s election material.‭ ‬And that was part of many Winning Campaigns.‭ ‬I designed the election material for the‭ ‬2008‭ ‬ victory in London at the JLA.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬we got a JLA member elected.‭ ‬I designed the winning material in‭ ‬2006‭ ‬when we got all the councillors elected in Barking and Dagenham.‭ ‬I designed all the material in‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬and that was another Massive Year for the British National Party because we got two MEP elected.‭ ‬And doing that was something I’m still Very Proud of to this day because we had‭ ‬56‭ C‬ouncillors.‭ ‬We had one county councillor.‭ ‬We had Hundreds of Parish Councillors.‭ ‬And on top of that,‭ ‬we had one member of the JLA and two MEP.‭ ‬It was the Most Successful any genuine Nationalist party has ever been.‭ ‬And I want to say that Success was down to a very Dedicated Team of people when people look back at that.‭ ‬It’s always very easy to try and say,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬it was one man or this guy made it all happen.‭ ‬That’s not true.‭ ‬Success on that level only comes about due to a team of very talented people.‭ ‭If‬ you’ve got a small,‭ ‬genuine outsider party that doesn’t have any positive media coverage, that isn’t built up by anyone, that is constantly Knocked Down,‭ t‬he only way a small outsider party without any positive media coverage can Exist and come to Prosper is because of a real talented team of people. And the BNP had‭ Forty ‬and a half Thousand Members and our Activists were absolutely Committed.‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬I used to I know people who they would leaflet for five,‭ ‬six,‭ ‬seven,‭ ‬eight hours a day.‭ ‬People would take their,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬a week’s holiday before Elections.‭ ‬You know,‭ ‬instead of going away with the family,‭ ‬they would just go out and Leaflet,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬eight hours plus a day to make sure that they got a BNP candidate elected in their local area.‭ ‬Our people are absolutely committed.‭ ‬And it was a real Herculean Task,‭ ‬but we did it.‭ ‬And it’s still a a major source of Sadness for me to this day that the BNP collapsed in the way that it did.”


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