020. Future of Nationalism and Patriotic Alternative Part 13

Mark Collett elaborates on the Patriotic Alternative – “The first goal of Patriotic Alternative is to build a Network across the UK of professional,‭ ‬upstanding,‭ ‬decent,‭ ‬articulate,‭ ‬well-mannered people that build this welcoming series of hubs around the country where we can just meet where we can be ourselves.‭ ‬Because I think this Movement does have so many Positives going for it.‭ ‬But it also has a lot of people who seem very Depressed,‭ ‬who seem very down about the world.‭ ‬But when these people get to interact,‭ ‬when they Realise that they’re Not Alone,‭ ‬when they realise that there’s other people out there who would just like them,‭ ‬that want to meet,‭ ‬that want to talk,‭ ‬that wanna be, Friends, all of a sudden,‭ y‬ou see those people Come Alive and their depression starts to lift.‭ ‬And I really want to do, I want to restore the one thing that we’ve Lost,‭ ‬which is Community.‭ I‬ mean,‭ ‬everyone else has a community.‭ ‬You’ve got the Muslim Community.‭ ‬You’ve got the Jewish Community.‭ ‬You’ve got the Black Community.‭ ‬You’ve got the Asian Community,‭ ‬the Hindu,‭ ‬the Sikh,‭ ‬the Gay Community,‭ ‬the LGBTQ Community. But where’s the White Positive Community‭? ‬Where’s the Traditionalist Moral White Positive Community‭? ‬Well,‭ ‬it doesn’t exist.‭ ‬It exists in this very loose,‭ ‬atomized way online. I want to connect what we’ve done online with the wider community.‭ ‬I want us to take our message of hope and of,‭ ‬you know,‭ N‬ationalism to the Public and say,‭ ‬look,‭ ‬there are people out there like you,‭ ‬because when we did our excellent day of action,‭ ‬when we all went down,‭ ‬66‭ ‬percent of the British Public that we surveyed said that they thought white people becoming a minority was a Bad Thing.‭ ‬So two thirds of the white population fundamentally Agree with our Core Principle that we do not want to be Replaced.‭ ‬So let’s get off line.‭ ‬Let’s form communities.‭ ‬And when we got these communities,‭ ‬let’s reach out to the wider public and let’s instead of just talking about saving our people,‭ l‬et’s have a Good Crack at doing it,‭ ‬because I’ll tell you what,‭ i‬f‭ ‬2060‭ ‬comes on and‭ ‬we are a Minority, well, okay.‭ ‬But you’d have to ask yourself, are you going to sit there in‭ ‬2060‭ ‬and say,‭ ‬you know what, we’re a minority and this is Terrible.‭ ‬Are you going to sit there in‭ ‬2060,‭ ‬say,‭ ‬well,‭ ‬we may be a minority now,‭ ‬but I did Everything I could in my power to Stop That Happening‭? ‬Because I’ll tell you what.‭ ‬If you do nothing now,‭ ‬you’ve got No Right to complain then.‭ ‬And you know what‭? ‬If we do something now,‭ ‬it might not even come to that.‭ ‬If we do something now,‭ ‬there is Every Chance we can stop this.‭ ‬But come‭ ‬2060,‭ ‬come that Tipping Point,‭ ‬come the day when we become that minority,‭ ‬Everything is so much Harder. The Integration will be so much more, the numbers will be so much more.‭ ‬The Brainwashing for Young People will be so much more.”


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