Peter Robinson – “What do Muslims make of this when they watch all this? Their populations growing in Africa or the Middle East? I mean, what comes across to us every so often in videos and so forth, there will be some Imam denouncing the West as Decadent. But if decadence, if Cultural Decadence means Anything right, it means something Pretty Close to what you are describing. What I’m worried about is that Conservatives find themselves edging toward the position of saying, well, you know, those Muslims have a point!!” Douglas Murray – “There was a school in Birmingham in England earlier this year where a lot of the parents protested outside the school because they didn’t want their children to be taught about being Gay in classes, to teach children about Sex Education. And I know quite a lot of People, including social conservatives, who said, I don’t know which side should we be on!! And look, if a culture Pretends this is a Consistent Thing, if a culture pretends that it is this Cheap, Ridiculous, Highly Sexualized, Race Obsessed, totally evidently Self-Contradictory Thing, then it’s hardly surprising if it Doesn’t Survive and it doesn’t particularly Deserve To! My own view has always been that it’s just Absurd to think that this is the sum of what we’ve had and that’s the Obscenity of this really. I want young people in particular to get Fast Ways out of this. Short Cuts out of this Madness. Just get that out of your brain and get onto the Life you need to Live. And one of the things I keep coming back to is that we should have been asking this Question much more all of these years of saying Compared to What?”
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 9