012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 3

Nigel Farage continues his Demolition of the EU, “I’ve often asked myself the Question,‭ ‬why would a Successful Country that’s enjoyed a Thousand Years of Independence give up its Right of Self-Government to the Unelected non entities that we see sitting before us this morning‭? ‬And the answer that comes back from the Foreign Office and the Great and the Good is that we Must Have Influence in Europe.‭ ‬We must have a seat at the Top Table and we can Change Things.‭ ‬And we’ve done our best to Prove what good Europeans we are.‭ ‬We go on paying you‭ ‬50‭ M‬illion Pounds a day.‭ ‬We’ve helped the Euro Bailout Fund even though we didn’t join the currency,‭ t‬hank goodness, we’ve given you‭ ‬80‭ ‬percent of the Fish Stocks that swim in Our Waters.‭ ‬Your fleets can come and take that from us!‭ ‬And we’ve applied Every Directive you’ve given us.‭ ‬Absolutely‭ ‬To the Letter.‭ ‬All of it to Gain Influence.‭ I‬n fact.‭ ‬Nick Clegg is so Deluded,‭ ‬he still thinks we can Take the Lead in Europe.‭ ‬When a British Prime Minister goes to a Summit with a Very Modest Proposal to Protect a Uniquely Important British Industry,‭ ‬a snarling President Sarkozy tells him where to go with German approval,‭ ‬of course!‭ ‬And we find ourselves without a friend in the room,‭ S‬ome Influence.” He said it Spot On then, we need it said Again and Again Today.


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