012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 2

Some years ago Nigel Farage Lambasted the EU Parliament on their Behaviour towards Greece, threating the nation as if it were a Company, “Well‭ C‬ongratulations‭ ‬everybody.‭ ‬David Cameron‭ ‬had you worried for a bit.‭ ‬You thought he was even a Euro Sceptic, but it’s okay.‭ ‬You had a quiet word with him and the real David Cameron was back!‭ ‬Whatever happened to the Veto‭? ‬No more Vetoes any more.‭ ‬Indeed,‭ ‬Mr.‭ ‬Cameron is now actively Supporting this Quite Despicable Pact.‭ ‬This plan to Destroy and Humiliate nation states that do not live up to a Germanic view of how economies ought to be run.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬I must say,‭ ‬I thought the weekend’s proposals from the German finance ministry that came out suggesting that a European commissioner and his staff occupy a big building in Athens and take over the running of the country,‭ ‬I thought it must be A Joke!‭ ‬I thought it can’t possibly even this EU could not Sink to those Depths.‭ ‬But of course,‭ ‬it was just a Negotiating Position.‭ ‬And what we’ve now got for Greece is Diplomacy at Gunpoint.‭ ‬Nobody can Deny today that Greece is any more than a Colony!” The man does not Hold his Punches, and he Hit Them where it Hurts. We need More of this Today.


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