010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 3

Mark Steyn points out, “The majority of Swedes alive now will live long enough to see them become a Minority in their own country.‭ ‬This is Sweden which is kind of as far north as you can go in Europe!” Douglas Murray elaborates with, “I mean the Swedes have got No Reason to have post-colonial Guilt.‭ ‬I mean that’s a good argument for Britain having it, for a bit,‭ b‬ut the Swedes?‭ ‬And then the other bits are the Guilt of course which I think is one of the Fundamental Things in Europe where we have to Shake Off, or may not!‭ ‬You know the Swedes don’t seem like, they’re not like the Germans, who have a good cause, and have reason for a Guilt Complex, and so on, and forever now needing to Apologize for what they think and feel and do!‭ ‬And the Swedes do have a kind of weird post-colonial thing.‭ ‬They have a Guilt Thing as well, they’ve actually strangely the further away they come from the War, the more Guilty they feel about it, it seems that it’s just more Quietly Expressed, but they’re all symptoms of the same thing.‭ ‬It’s just ever so slightly different inflections in each country. Sometimes one country’s facts are different, but the response is Exactly the Same.” So the Horrors of the Second World War continue, and May Destroy Europe.


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