004. Jacob Rees Mogg Part 1

Jacob Rees Mogg talking about Jeremy Corbyn, “We feel a bit like Gulliver tied down…but tied down by a rag tag motley collection of feeble footering, feckless politicians.‭ ‬All in desperate pursuit of a single unworthy aim, to renege on the Solemn Promise they made to the British People, and to try to cancel the largest single democratic mandate in our history.‭ ‬On the left‭ w‬e have Jeremy Corbyn, self avowed Marxist, arguably the most left wing leader the Labour Party has ever had, who achieved the most remarkable feat of being even more unpopular on his side than on ours!…He would have the public believe that he is a man of Principle.‭ ‬Jeremy Corbyn, a man who spent his career in the division lobbies as a Eurosceptic…voting against the European Union…and now Corbyn Surrender Act simply offers more Confusion and Delay at a cost of‭ ‬250‭ M‬illion Pounds every week.‭ ‬This from the gentleman who has spent the last two years demanding an immediate General Election, only now to run away from an election once it was offered to him.”


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