Our Pubs and Clubs have a responsibility to keep their patrons in a safe environment. The Risk Assessments will dictate that humans with alcohol can often be unpredictable, but when an incident occurs and particularly if a woman is involved, the policies and risk assessments should dictate that they address the issue in a protective manner and support the safety of all involved. There’s a statement from a woman that’s on my site that is unfortunately far too common. Women’s Rights are being Ignored, and far too often Laughed At. Clubs have a policy of removing the person nearest the Exit, the result is that that person is out on the street on their own. If this is a woman, that person is particularly Vulnerable, but she has been removed from the premises and they argue it is no longer their responsibility. I would beg to differ, their actions, following their policies, has left a women in an extremely vulnerable position, whither they are the instigator or the victim, the safety of the woman should be addressed. In this occasion, as is far too often the case, the woman was the Victim, she was Innocent, what she was Guilty of was simply trying to Enjoy the company of her female pal at the bar of this club. A man sexually assaults her and she pours water over him to stop the Attack. He responds by throwing his drink in her face and the bouncer grabbed the one nearest the door, the Victim, the Woman, and throws her out. This is All Wrong, a Clear Example of what is Wrong with our society.
Women’s Rights in Night Clubs

This just gave me shivers, and NOT in a good way… It’s absolutely disgusting what is allowed to happen. You’re absolutely right, bars and clubs NEED to start taking responsibility!!!