Trump entered the White House promising to reverse Obama-era efforts to fight climate change as part of a broader strategy to slash environmental red tape that he viewed as an obstacle to business and to the U.S. fossil fuel industry in particular. He initiated the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement, the international accord to fight global warming, ceding Washington’s historic role as a leader in coordinated efforts to counter climate change. The retreat meant the United States abandoned its pledge to slash emissions by 26-28% from 2005 levels by 2025. Trump later rescinded or weakened the two main domestic policy efforts initiated by Obama that would have helped Washington hit its Paris targets: the Clean Power Plan (CPP) to cut emissions from the electricity sector and national vehicle fuel efficiency targets aimed at reducing the pollution and climate impact from cars and trucks. The power and transport sectors make up the bulk of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The CPP, which had been tied up in litigation by Republican states since it was launched, was replaced by the weaker Affordable Clean Energy rule which had no hard targets for emissions cuts, while vehicle efficiency targets were softened.
Trump over Biden Part 20