In an interview with Jack Dawkins, Tommy Robinson says it as it so Patently is – “Fear is Paralysing, it’s Infected the Police, the Authorities; it’s the Islamization of Britain…the Government interfering with the Media, Pressurizing them to remove Dissident Voices, that’s Facism!”. He elaborates, “I’ve not got a Platform in the UK, they used to give me a Platform, like you’re giving me now, but then the public Agreed on All the issues I was raising, and then when they got me on to Belittle me and try and ruin my argument, I end up winning every argument because I’ve got the Truth on my side. They’re Real Issues. I Connect with the public who are listening cause they know what I’m saying is a Real Issue. I’m Banned from YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, even PayPal and Stripe; I’m not allowed any Social Media. I was removed from Facebook 24 hours after producing a documentary called Pandarama!” A comparison is made of Tommy Robinson and Anjem Choudary, in the typical Robinson fashion it’s Shot Down – “He’s a Convicted Terrorist!” The reason I’ve been banned from Social Media is because I had reached Mainstream, I was Embarrassing the British Establishment, I was Highlighting the serious issues, the demographics of the Islamic Immigration, the Real Issues are I have a Duty as an Englishman and as a Father, to Protect and give a Safe and Prosperous Future to my Children, and right now it’s Terrifying the situation Europe is in. Can we Trust the Police? The police allowed a Generation of our Daughters to be Gang Raped by groups of men, no we can’t trust the police. If I was Radicalizing People, I’d have been Arrested. Telling the Truth is not Radicalizing, Hate Speech is not Radicalizing, the Truth is not Hate Speech.” He concludes with a Hammer Blow to what is going on – “It’s Correct to say there’s a Globalist Agenda which wants Open Borders which wants Mass Migration, and anyone who Speaks Out against that and starts Highlighting the problems from it, which Wakes Up the Population to the Dangers of it, is Stopped. It’s a Reality, it’s Happening!” Nice One Sir, Totally Agree.
Tommy Robinson with Jack Dawkins