Tommy Robinson talks about the Continuous Lies that get made against him by the Media. He asks what is it he’s done to be so Deliberately Targeted by the Media and the only thing he agrees that he’s done and has been doing is Criticising Islam. And because he makes Criticism of Islam All Media, All Newspapers and All Network Channels make up stories, bend the Truth, Lie, so that the Public are Brainwashed into thinking he is something that he’s not. He shows an example of innocently sitting in a hotel and he’s asked to leave, that’s Discrimination and if it wasn’t Tommy Robinson the Newspapers and the Media would have Fell on top of the Hotel for Discrimination, but it’s Ignored so that it’s Directly Encouraged against him. He explains that his Whole Life is affected by the Media Lies. He’s refused to gain shopping from Sainsburys, he’s refused the hiring of a car, basic things that we all take for granted, he’s now Unable to Do.