The Attacks on Freedoms

It began very subtly, the difference in the Establishment attitude towards people voicing Multi Culturalism and those voicing Concerns. The Finger was pointed at the later, “they’re disrupting the fabric of our culture!”, “they’re Facist!”. There’s footage here of the Police using Batons on the Tommy Robinson Rallies with Women and Children present, and there’s footage of Antifa facing off to the police and there’s no batons, in fact the police run away from them! And who are Antifa anyway? They say they’re against Facism. I’d argue the country has been sold a lie by the Media about Antifa, so have most Antifa Members. They portray themselves as anti-facist, but the reality is they are far from it. You can see within their structure, the way they operate, and the amount of violence they use to Close Down any Opposition. I’d argue they are akin to Mussolini’s Black Shirts or Hitler’s Brown Shirts. Why? They Close Down any Debate or Argument with shouts of Racist, Gull people into Backing Down, and when that Fails, like with the Tommy Robinson People, they Mass themselves for Acts of Violence to Silence those they Oppose, all with the Support of the Media and the Police! And it’s not just here. I have a clip with a comment on the Dutch Parliament passing a partial Ban on the Burqa and I conclude with the Evidence of the Police Ignoring it! We’re living in very Crazy and Dangerous Times. People need to Wake Up.

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