Dec 2021. The Elites don’t want Covid to End

Mark Dolan talks about the crazy Restrictions, “ Now there’s a whiff of Evil regards behavioural science! For two years we’ve been nudged, cajoled, bullied, gas lit, silenced and shamed by these white coated Covid Evangelists.” He goes on, but that says it for me. What is scary is I feel he’s Right!

Dec 2021. Religion should Keep Out of Politics

Nana Akua talks about Religion, making comments about various things happening in our society. She makes the point that Religion should stick to what it knows and keep its nose out of what it doesn’t! She reminds us of all Religions having been found out with regards Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse and whatever other Abuse… Continue reading Dec 2021. Religion should Keep Out of Politics

Dec 2021. Conversion Therapy

The government will introduce a legislative ban on the practice of so-called conversion therapy. This consultation seeks views on proposals on how we plan to ban these practices, which particularly affect LGBT people. This consultation closes on Friday 4 February 2022 at 11:45pm. The consultation seeks views on a package of proposed measures that will… Continue reading Dec 2021. Conversion Therapy