Tommy Robinson argues that there is every right to look at the life of Muhammad because he Pillage, he Murdered, he Raped! Oksana Boyko once again argues that there’s Violence in most Holy Books. The Koran is Stuffed with Horror for the Infidel, where does she get her attitude from? Is it because she’s Married… Continue reading Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 4
Tag: Racism
Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 3
Tommy Robinson makes it clear that the Rape Attacks are not for Sexual Gratification. Ms Boyko asks if these Muslims he talks about are People of Faith and Mr Robinson makes it clear they are following the Teachings of Muhammad who had Sexual Slaves. He also makes it clear that in Pakistan, the Government tried… Continue reading Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 3
Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 2
Oksana Boyko tries desperately to make out that the Organised Rape of White Girls in the UK is a Criminal Act and nothing to do with Ethnicity. Tommy Robinson makes it clear with the Facts that 84% of the Convictions of Group Rape are Muslims, and they only make up 2.2% of the population, he… Continue reading Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 2
Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 1
Tommy Robinson had a lively exchange with RT about his campaign to stop Muslim grooming gangs in the UK. He arrived in Russia to give a presentation about the “Rape of Britain.” Mr Robinson sat down with RT’s Oksana Boyko to discuss his views about Islam and the epidemic of Muslim grooming gangs in the… Continue reading Tommy Robinson with Oksana Boyko Part 1
Mar 2020. Tommy Robinson Arrested
March 2020. What kind of Justice do we have in this country? Tommy Robinson is out with his family at Center Parcs Woburn Forest on Saturday and his kids are in the pool doing what kids do, enjoying themselves. Suddenly his youngest daughter runs up to him and says this man walked up to her… Continue reading Mar 2020. Tommy Robinson Arrested
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 7
Heather MacDonald – “Females are determined to think of themselves as Victims which is preposterous. There is not a single mainstream institution in this society, whether it’s a university, a bank, a law firm, a government agency, a foundation that is not trying to hire and promote as many females as possible. I know for… Continue reading Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 7
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 6
Heather MacDonald – “I hear that people say, well, how do you raise a moral kid without religion? Aristotle said, virtue is habit. And I I don’t know why I was not raised in a religious family, but is it really the case that a parent says to his five year old son, don’t hit… Continue reading Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 6
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 5
Heather MacDonald – “Even if we’ve got jobs moving off off shore, there still are individual choices that people can make that vastly increase their chances of success. Again, do not have children out of wedlock study. Do not get involved in drugs, don’t become a pothead. These are all within individual agency. Obviously, the… Continue reading Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 5
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 4
Heather MacDonald explains why we look at Cultural Problems with the Structural View as opposed to the Behavioural View – “I think there are ideologies. And I think that American culture now is very uncomfortable with inner city culture, with certain dysfunctional minority culture. Doesn’t want to talk about it. We want to turn our… Continue reading Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 4
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 3
Heather MacDonald makes the point that the Liberals look at Problems as Structural, the Conservatives look at them as Behavioural. “We are not living through an epidemic of racially biased police shootings of black men. The core flaw of any left wing anti cop rhetoric or the mass incarceration meme is the failure to find… Continue reading Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 3