“The other dangerous delusion from which those who are wilfully or otherwise blind to realities suffer, is summed up in the word “integration.” To be integrated into a population means to become for all practical purposes indistinguishable from its other members.Now, at all times, where there are marked physical differences, especially of colour, integration is… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 16
Tag: Racism
Problems with Diversity Part 15
“Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as ‘controversial, ‘extremist’, ‘explosive’, ‘disgraceful’, and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 15
May 2020. The George Floyd Riots in USA
May 2020. Protesters have clashed with police in cities across the US over the killing of an unarmed African-American man at the hands of officers in Minneapolis. Minnesota’s governor said the tragedy of the death of George Floyd in police custody had morphed into “something much different – wanton destruction”. New York, Atlanta, Portland and… Continue reading May 2020. The George Floyd Riots in USA
May 2020. Anger over George Floyd Death
May 2020. The US has been convulsed by nationwide protests over the death of an African-American man in police custody. George Floyd, 46, died after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage of the arrest on 25 May shows a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck while… Continue reading May 2020. Anger over George Floyd Death
May 2020. Racist Police in the USA
May 2020. Hundreds of people gathered in Minneapolis on Tuesday night to decry the in-custody death of George Floyd, which led to the firing of four officers. Emotion and tension ran high as demonstrations became unruly, with windows damaged, graffiti sprayed and a police car vandalized. Officers in riot gear confronted protesters and fired tear… Continue reading May 2020. Racist Police in the USA
Tommy Robinson with Jack Dawkins
In an interview with Jack Dawkins, Tommy Robinson says it as it so Patently is – “Fear is Paralysing, it’s Infected the Police, the Authorities; it’s the Islamization of Britain…the Government interfering with the Media, Pressurizing them to remove Dissident Voices, that’s Facism!”. He elaborates, “I’ve not got a Platform in the UK, they used… Continue reading Tommy Robinson with Jack Dawkins
Problems with Diversity Part 14
On September 24, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – The most common criticism that LifeSite and many of the more effective pro-life, pro-family leaders endure is that we are “divisive”, that we “judge” and that Jesus would not say what we say or that Jesus is more loving and accepting of all people, etc. These criticisms are made… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 14
Problems with Diversity Part 13
Social tension can occur as a result of cultural and linguistic differences. In Europe, for instance, tension between the Muslim minority and the largely secular majority is frequently attributed to the incommensurability of Islamic and Secular values. The tensions caused by culture are thought to be exacerbated by economic differences, as European Muslim populations are… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 13
Problems with Diversity Part 12
It needs hardly be said that in a world of large and inc reasing waves of population migration, few countries are now without significant minority groups. New York, London, and Toronto are now so mixed socially that each represents ‘the world in one city’. West European countries acquired an average of one million migrants each… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 12
Problems with Diversity Part 11
A fierce controversy has broken out recently in political and social science circles about the effect of socially mixed and multi-cultural populations on modern society. At the heart of the argument is an article by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam discussing the impact of diversity and pluralism (ethnic, religious, linguistic, national and cultural pluralism) on… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 11