Research has shown diversity alone is harmful for individuals and organisations. It has been linked to lower revenue, slower decision making, increased conflict, absenteeism and missed opportunities. And yet, Diversity is argued to always be a Good Thing, Why?
Tag: Racism
Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 1
There are a number of areas in Europe and the UK that are suffering Hotspots with regards the Coronavirus. We get blasted that Ethnic Minorities have and are suffering far more and the questions of Poverty and Equality get raised. What is never mentioned is the Diversity Issues. Why is it never observed that Muslims… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 1
Problems with Diversity Part 37
Unresolved Conflict. Greater differences in a workplace produces more potential for conflict among employees. Poor Communication. Contributing to and related to conflict is poor communication. Turnover. A significant bottom line effect of poorly managed diversity is high turnover. Time and Money. Oh but No Matter What, Diversity is a Good Thing.
Problems with Diversity Part 36
One negative effect of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increased tendency of organizational personnel to indulge in interpersonal conflicts. Culturally diverse workers have different opinions, thoughts, beliefs, norms, customs, values, trends, and traditions. Why is Diversity always thrown down our Throats as a Good Thing?
Problems with Diversity Part 35
Businesses started caring a lot more about diversity after a series of high-profile lawsuits rocked the financial industry. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Morgan Stanley shelled out $54 million—and Smith Barney and Merrill Lynch more than $100 million each—to settle sex discrimination claims. In 2007, Morgan was back at the table, facing a… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 35
Problems with Diversity Part 34
One of my favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quotes is: “There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” And I am just going to come out and say it: Most diversity and inclusion initiatives fall into the former category: sincere ignorance. They look and sound great. They are usually well-meaning too. But… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 34
Problems with Diversity Part 33
Over at the New York Times Magazine, ambivalence toward capital “D” diversity courses through Anna Holmes’ excellent essay “Has ‘Diversity’ Lost Its Meaning?” Holmes, the founding editor of Jezebel and now an executive at Fusion, notes that while corporate odes to “diversity” are de rigeur these days at places like SXSW and fancy media conferences,… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 33
Problems with Diversity Part 32
Although diversity efforts are concerned with representation and who is included, diversity efforts should not be confused with creating an inclusive environment. An inclusive environment does not simply mean that people from various groups are included, it is concerned with what their inclusion in that organization or environment means.
Problems with Diversity Part 31
It goes without saying that Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity make for an awful acronym: DIE. More importantly, these three words are strung together so often that some think that these words are synonymous and use them interchangeably, leading to a number of people writing about the differences between these three words. Try a quick Google… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 31
Aug 2020. Portugal Anti Racism Protests
August 2020. Anti-racism protests have continued in Portugal a day after hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the capital, Lisbon, to demand justice for a Black Portuguese man who was murdered a week ago. Bruno Cande Marques, a 39-year-old actor and father of three children, was shot four times at point-blank range on a busy street… Continue reading Aug 2020. Portugal Anti Racism Protests