Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 3

It has been 50 years since British shadow defence secretary Enoch Powell gave his “rivers of blood” speech on April 20, 1968. To mark the half-centenary, the BBC broadcast his speech for the first time in full, on the radio. The decision caused outrage from those who would rather the speech, and its popularity at… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 3

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2

The UKIP Wales Leader Neil Hamilton has said, “…although Powell was sacked while the Tories were in opposition, when Mr Heath later became prime minister he introduced a scheme for “voluntary repatriation of immigrants” in 1971. “The idea that Enoch Powell was some kind of uniquely racist villain is absolute nonsense,” Mr Hamilton told the… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 1

The idea Enoch Powell was a “racist villain” is “absolute nonsense”, UKIP Wales leader Neil Hamilton has said. The AM was defending Powell’s anti-immigration “rivers of blood” speech of 50 years ago. He told BBC Radio Wales the former Tory MP had been “proved right by events” in terms of social change if not violence.… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 1

Sep 2020. US Reaches for Guns due to Unrest

Take your pick. The pandemic, the police killing of George Floyd, the presidential election. Protests, looting, calls to “defund the police.” Any one of such similar events historically has been enough to push some people off the fence, prompting them to finally buy a gun or add to their collection. But with a wave of… Continue reading Sep 2020. US Reaches for Guns due to Unrest

Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 3

What is it with our Youth nowadays, they all seem to be Freeloaders wanting Something for Nothing. The Education System has been Invaded by Globalist Liberals and the results of the Brainwashing can now be seen on the Streets. The Woke want to pull statues down, want to destroy our Culture. As we’ve been coming… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 3

Problems with Diversity Part 41

Social tension can occur as a result of cultural and linguistic differences. In Europe, for instance, tension between the Muslim minority and the largely secular majority is frequently attributed to the incommensurability of Islamic and Secular values. The tensions caused by culture are thought to be exacerbated by economic differences, as European Muslim populations are… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 41

Problems with Diversity Part 40

One of the main disadvantages of cultural diversity is its tendency to create language barriers. Social segregation often occurs when speakers of two mutually unintelligible languages live side by side. Language barriers are generally temporary in nature (most immigrants eventually learn the language of the country they move to), but the resultant segregation can endure,… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 40

Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 2

During the Pandemic of the Coronavirus, when we were in Lockdown, it was Observed. I worked through it and I was often the only one on the train! But then there was the George Floyd thing in America and the Marxists were waiting to Jump. BLM is against our Society but I won’t go into… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 2

Problems with Diversity Part 39

Critics of diversity training may have a point: Inclusiveness may be a worthwhile goal, but it’s a lot tougher to achieve than any well-intentioned training course would have you believe. And who could blame you, a small-business owner with limited resources, for wondering: If large, multi-national companies with vast resources struggle to champion workplace diversity,… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 39