When ‘White Privilege’ is used against a ‘white’ person; it is undoubtedly a form of racial discrimination. By targeting and attributing to the individual the past and present characteristics of their racial group, as if the group is homogenous and overarching, with a collective crime, regardless of innocence or guilt, that is no better than… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 6
Tag: Racism
Problems with Diversity Part 60
Common Sense: Africa belongs to Africans. Asia belongs to Asians, The Middle East belongs to Middle Easterners. Racist, Right-Wing, Nutjob Idea: Europe belongs to Europeans. Liberalism allowed mass immigration, rabid feminism, militant homosexuality, degenerate hedonism, state-supported fecklessness, broken families and moral & spiritual decline. These things are now destroying Liberalism, but it’s too weak to… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 60
Jan 2021. Attack on the Capitol Part 3
In new research based on a nationwide survey of 1,500 Americans, it’s found that years of racially targeted policing is leading people to question the fairness and legitimacy of the police, such that 40 percent believe that the police should be defunded. Regardless of respondents’ race, they find that concerns about the under-protection and over-regulation… Continue reading Jan 2021. Attack on the Capitol Part 3
Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 5
Various questioning on Identity Politics and White Privilege is admittedly ridiculous, but simultaneously, deeply necessary. It presents the first contradiction in the term ‘White Privilege’. ‘White’ people did not choose to be ‘white’, nor did they choose to be supposedly ‘privileged’. Just like an African American did not choose to be African American, or a… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 5
Problems with Diversity Part 59
What are kids getting taught at school nowadays. I watched I think a BBC clip of 2nd year college students being asked questions like ‘Who Bombed Pearl Harbour’, ‘Who was the UK Prime Minister during the 2nd World War’, bog standard questions I would have thought that we as a people know the answer to.… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 59
Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 4
No one chose to be who they are. There are certain traits and characteristics that are malleable, however such variants as the four listed above cannot be altered prior to birth. Sexual proclivity and sexual genderisation can be altered, following a significant time delay; puberty being the time when most people realise themselves as a… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 4
Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 3
The literal notion of ‘White Privilege’, first and full most, is fundamentally false at the most elementary level. The term is accompanied by the false assumption that a ‘white’ person had the power to choose whether or not to be ‘naturally privileged’ at birth. It assumes they have the ability to alter what the Postmodernists… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 3
Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 2
Discussing something as divisive as Identity Politics and White Privilege is a courageous task to undertake. However, it needs to be discussed. It is a term that is so contrapuntal and polarised to the world that we should all be trying to create; its use only makes matters worse. It is a term loaded with… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 2
Problems with Diversity Part 58
I remember when I was a kid visiting my auntie and uncle and they stayed in a prefab. It was buildings that were thrown up after the War. The Government decided to pull them down and rehoused everybody. The community disappeared. The prefabs were brilliant and the people in them were the same. Great times.… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 58
Problems with Diversity Part 57
Here in Scotland the SNP are wanting a Law on Hate, Hate Speech would be a Crime. But who judges what is Hate and what’s happening to Free Speech which is critical for a Democracy. Free thinking is part of a Free Person, nearly said Free Man there but that is Sexist nowadays! https://vk.com/video503532632_456240520