Jim Davidson on Diversity

Comedian Jim Davidson has faced a backlash after suggesting Diversity do a dance about ‘mugging’. The 66-year-old’s remarks come after the dance troupe performed a dance routine inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement on Britain’s Got Talent, which has received greater levels of support following the death of African-American man George Floyd in the… Continue reading Jim Davidson on Diversity

Jim Davidson – Who Needs Diversity

Jim Davidson has claimed that Diversity should do a dance about ‘mugging’ in this YouTube ‘rant’. He has been Slaughtered by the MSM for this video, I agree with every damn word on what he’s saying, as I’m sure do most of the population, because he’s simply talking commonsense. The 66-year-old uploaded a video last… Continue reading Jim Davidson – Who Needs Diversity

Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 9

Now the tables have turned; the ‘oppressed’ has become the ‘oppressor’. And so, the cycle begins again.This is how the neo-Marxist metanarrative of ‘oppressed/oppressor’ links to Identity Politics. It is so dangerous to our societies because it divides society up based on what sets people apart, which makes people retreat further into their group identity,… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 9

Problems with Diversity Part 64

The Quran tells Muslims to be “stern against the unbelievers, merciful among themselves.” Black people often refer to each other as “brother” or “sister.” White people are also in a club, but not all realise it. Let’s spread the word & be a little bit kinder to each other. https://vk.com/video503532632_456240612

Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 8

By restricting and vilifying the ‘oppressor’s’ identity, the ‘oppressed’ identities of the world also start to suffer. One by one, as cultures are vilified and eventually destroyed on the basis of being an ‘oppressor’, there become less and less groups in society to vilify, until what is left is the final ‘oppressed’ group, with all… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 8

Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 7

By forcing an individual to feel guilty about their group identity, whether they assign themselves as part of that group or not, the individual is forced to feel ashamed and reject parts of their own history, which has come to construct their present identity. By making an individual feel remorseful about their history, which they… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 7