Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and the Netherlands have banned halal slaughter, and as an animal loving nation, we are insisting the same happens in the UK. We are angry at the Government and food industry for pandering to the MINORITY group that want halal and kosher foods, and we stand up and set an… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 22
Tag: Quran
Political Islam Part 59
Mohammed knew how to suppress reason, and he intuitively knew that by appealing to the Obsessive Compulsive trait of human psychology, it would divert the mind further and further from thinking objectively or rationally. Clearly he didn’t have an objective understanding of the mechanisms that Obsessive Compulsive principles operated on, however, he had an intuitive… Continue reading Political Islam Part 59
Campaign Against Halal Part 21
British people are against halal and kosher slaughter. Under British Law, animals must be stunned before slaughter, and not killed in full view of other animals. It is distressing to animals morally wrong and unnecessarily cruel. Halal and kosher slaughter is a barbaric way to slaughter an animal.
Political Islam Part 58
This endless need to have to pray was clearly designed to be an all present aspect in someone’s life. It was not designed as an aid to help people go through tough times, it was designed to take over people’s lives. And the overarching goal of this, is to further prevent from rational thought. Islam… Continue reading Political Islam Part 58
Political Islam Part 57
You can say this comes from first person observation, this OCD of the masses, but it’s a distention that is worth discussion, needs more awareness, and can indeed explain much of the radicalization that spurs out of this belief system. Islam in Muslim societies is all consuming, its tentacles, penetrate all aspects of life so… Continue reading Political Islam Part 57
Political Islam Part 56
The big misconception about Islam to the west, is the space a religion is thought to typically occupy in someone’s mind. This is typically done subconsciously, without the person being aware. For most average rational people, religion is thought to exist in the margin of life. Indeed, for most that do practice it, it typically… Continue reading Political Islam Part 56
Campaign Against Halal Part 20
Here we have a Channel 5 bulletin where there’s a discussion about Halal Meat. The long and the short of it is there’s Agreement that Stunning the animal and then Slitting the throat is okay?? The Muslim guy argues that when Stunned, it’s not Halal, he argues that many against non-stun killing are being Islamophobic,… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 20
Campaign Against Halal Part 19
A Belgian ban on kosher and halal slaughter of animals without being stunned has been backed by the European Court of Justice, which rejected objections by religious groups. The EU’s highest court backed a Flemish decision to require the use of stunning for livestock on animal rights grounds. The animal is not killed in the… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 19
Political Islam Part 55
When Caliph Al-Mutawakkil had been killed in 861, jurists had retroactively validated his murder with a Fatwa. Eight years later, they had testified to the lawful abdication of a successor, after he had been dragged from a toilet, beaten unconscious, and thrown into a vault to die. By the middle of the tenth century, judges… Continue reading Political Islam Part 55
Campaign Against Halal Part 18
The former Smiths frontman Morrissey – ‘If you use the term “humane slaughter” then you might as well talk in terms of “humane rape”. People sound very stupid when they mention “humane slaughter”.’ In conventional slaughterhouses, animals are given an electric shock to ensure they are unconscious before their throats are cut, minimising suffering.