Merely one-in-seven Democrats believe that Islam is more violent than other religions, such as Christianity, Mormonism, Judaism, and Buddhism. One-in-ten Democrats believe that Islam is less violent that other religions, according to the poll of 1,019 adults. [user-submitted-posts]
Tag: Quran
Political Islam Part 63
The trusting attitude towards Islam is revealed in the February 2017 poll follows 17 tumultuous years of attacks against Americans motivated or shaped by Islamic ideology throughout the United States—from the 9/11 atrocity to the Pulse nightclub attack in Florida committed by an observant, orthodox Muslim man from a Muslim family. [user-submitted-posts]
Political Islam Part 62
The more I think of the #Manchester Arena slaughter of the innocents the more enraged I become – At the terrorists. At their enablers and propagandists. At our government which built the Monsters of Islamist fanaticism. At our Media for not keeping the Pressure on. And at the failures of intelligence and responders. Sick. And… Continue reading Political Islam Part 62
Political Islam Part 61
Muhammad, who killed a young Leith father, was released from jail yesterday. Police blocked off roads and protected him from the possibility of media or onlookers as they took him out to his new home at 6am. He only did 4 years, and got legal aid. [user-submitted-posts]
Campaign Against Halal Part 34
In a Halal Slaughter House, on the killing floor there are sheep being ferried along a metal pen where a worker casually lifts their heads and slashes their throats. They are so distressed as they begin bleeding to death they wriggle over the sides and have to be hauled back in, legs flailing, and piled… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 34
Islam and the EU Blasphemy Laws Part 2
For the Western mind, one of the most disturbing facts about Islam is that its founder had a sexual relationship with a nine-year-old girl. Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha has even led some critics to refer to him as a “pedophile.” This is, of course, extremely upsetting to Muslims, who view their prophet as the ideal… Continue reading Islam and the EU Blasphemy Laws Part 2
Campaign Against Halal Part 33
In a slaughterhouse awash with blood, a frightened bullock ’s eyes widen in fear as the machinery it is trapped in raises its head so a knife-wielding butcher can hack open its neck. Seconds later, as the animal kicks out in pain and panic, a bolt is shot through its brain to stop it injuring… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 33
Campaign Against Halal Part 32
Those who argue to bring this Halal Horror to an end will often be accused of “hate” or “Islamophobia”. When MP Philip Davies asked Parliament simply to label unstunned meat and allow consumers to make informed choices, he was accused of “picking on religious communities”. [user-submitted-posts]
Islam and the EU Blasphemy Laws Part 1
The ‘prophet’ Muhammad was a pedophile. Perhaps now you can stop me from saying it, but I’ll continue to state the facts which I take from the Koran. Last week, the European Court of Human Rights convicted an Austrian woman (known as “E. S.”) of “disparaging religion” and fined her €480 ( about $550 in… Continue reading Islam and the EU Blasphemy Laws Part 1
Campaign Against Halal Part 31
The halal market is particularly toxic in the UK. Halal meat, unlike kosher, is being imposed on all of us – it is served in schools, hospitals, sporting venues, and other public places. An attempt to debate this by elected councillors recently was shut down by a Muslim council leader. [user-submitted-posts]