Political Islam Part 71

Anne Marie Waters talks about Political Islam in the UK. She observes that the police being too scared of being described as Racist, Ignore the Crimes of the Muslim on the White Man. She talks about Grooming Gangs and Rape Gangs which are of Muslims attacking White Girls. The Supremacy is Blatant. She mentions Kirklees… Continue reading Political Islam Part 71

Campaign Against Halal Part 37

An abattoir which provides halal and kosher meat appears to ignore all standards of animal welfare despite the presence of a government inspector and two vets and boasting all staff have had proper training. The Food ­Standards Agency was so horrified at Simply Halal’s abattoir that it has closed down its operation pending an inquiry.… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 37

Political Islam Part 70

Anne Marie Waters goes back to the Salman Rushdie Riots in the UK when the Police behaved with Balance. Labour were instrumental at the time in getting Rioters released and labelled the Police as Racist. She then fast forwards to Dewsbury where the Muslims wanted a certain area of the town, they wanted the whites… Continue reading Political Islam Part 70

Campaign Against Halal Part 36

There’s a hidden camera in this Halal Slaughter Abattoir. The killing of animals when they are still aware is Murder as far as I am concerned. The human beings that are involved in these daily acts are potential Murderers of People, they think Nothing of Life. Why is this being allowed in our country? What… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 36

Political Islam Part 69

Anne Marie Waters talks about the Islamisation of the UK, she’s standing in the Batley and Spen By-Election and she would get my vote. She says Migration is about bringing down the West. Politicians on the Left let there be Religious Clashes, Clashes of Values, the Cultural Clash; Mass Immigration hasn’t brought Integration, it’s brought… Continue reading Political Islam Part 69

Campaign Against Halal Part 35

Anne Marie Dorothy Waters is a politician and activist in the UK. She is the founder and leader of the anti-Islam party For Britain. She is also the director of Sharia Watch UK, an organisation launched in April 2014. She is standing in the Batley and Spen By-Election. She is ultra against Halal Food and… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 35

Political Islam Part 68

February 17, 2017 — Breitbart.com reports: “The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) is taking a page from the book of its Boko Haram branch and brainwashing kidnapped children from the Yazidi minority group into carrying out suicide attacks. Instances of child suicide bombings are occurring against the U.S-led coalition operations against the jihadist group in Iraq and… Continue reading Political Islam Part 68

Political Islam Part 67

The ultimate example for Christians is Jesus. For Muslims, Muhammad is the perfect man and the model to be followed. Jesus was crucified and ordered His followers not to defend Him from His fate. Muhammad, who began his mission as a preacher rather than a soldier, led pillaging raids (to get money for his followers);… Continue reading Political Islam Part 67

Political Islam Part 66

The violent verses in the Bible were for a specific time and place; the violent verses in the Quran are spoken in general terms.  For Christians, the Old Testament is the foundation on which the New Testament is built and so the New Testament contains the final revelation. Significantly, there are no verses in the… Continue reading Political Islam Part 66