Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 3

Nigel Farage to Douglas Murray – “Think about the Media in this country, think about our big Corporate Businesses, these are the Educated Groups, these are the People that know the Truth about Britain and the Relationship with Slavery as opposed to the rest of the World. How is it that I can appear a… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 3

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 2

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray –  Mr Farage on BLM – “I can’t stand the tearing down of statues, mob rule, there a picture of a woman innocently sitting outside a restaurant and being surrounded by a mob and it was compared to 1933 in Germany where people had to raise their right arm in… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 2

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 1

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray – “Douglas is one of the most important intellectuals on the right of British politics. His bestselling books are a must-read for those that want to win the battle of ideas. In this episode of Stepping Up, I ask Douglas if he’s an even bigger controversialist than me…” Douglas Murray… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 1