Halal slaughter without pre-stunning patently hurts animals more than other forms of slaughter. The RSPCA and the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) states this clearly. The British Veterinary Association (BVA) says it believes “all animals should be effectively stunned before slaughter to improve the welfare of these animals”, while the RSPCA says it causes “unnecessary… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 10
Tag: Political Islam
The Persecution of Christians Part 35
Launched on January 29 to protest the beheading of Brethren pastor Lawan Andimi, the chairman of a regional Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) chapter in Adamawa state, by Boko Haram two weeks earlier, the prayer was also a protest at the Nigerian government’s failure to stop the abductions and killings. Terrorist attacks, as well as… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 35
Political Islam Part 49
While the Quran does not dwell on politics it does make mention of the concepts of the oppressed (mustad’afeen), emigration (hijra), the Muslim community (Ummah), and fighting in the way of God (jihad), that can have political implications. A number of verses (such as Q.4:98) talk about mustad’afeen which can be translated as “those deemed… Continue reading Political Islam Part 49
Campaign Against Halal Part 9
Traditional halal meat is killed by hand and must be blessed by the slaughterman. Islam has strict laws on the proper method of slaughtering an animal. One, called dhabihah, requires a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck that cuts the jugular vein. For meat to be considered halal the animal must… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 9
Political Islam Part 48
Today many Islamist or Islamic democratic parties exist in almost every democracy with a Muslim majority. Many militant Islamic groups are also working in different parts of world. The controversial term “Islamic fundamentalism” has also been coined by some Non-Muslims to describe the political and religious philosophies of some militant Islamic groups. Both of these… Continue reading Political Islam Part 48
Jan 2021. Manchester Arena Inquiry
Firefighters did not arrive at Manchester Arena until two hours after the suicide bombing, only one paramedic entered the blast scene in the first 40 minutes, and Greater Manchester police (GMP) did not declare a major incident until the following day, the inquiry into the terror attack has heard. The Manchester Arena inquiry, which resumed… Continue reading Jan 2021. Manchester Arena Inquiry
Musim Invasion of the UK Part 33
For years, thousands of migrants from Africa, the Middle East and Asia have attempted to reach Britain from the French port of Calais, most by trying to stow away on trucks crossing the Channel. Recently, however, the number of migrants trying to cross in boats has risen, despite the risk of strong currents, cold waters… Continue reading Musim Invasion of the UK Part 33
The Persecution of Christians Part 34
Having finished his Sunday sermon from Psalm 18 on God as a stronghold who delivers his people from their enemies, Enoch Adeboye then led them to a cemetery. It was an ironic yet appropriate choice. Wearing a bright green tuxedo, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Lagos, Nigeria, marched… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 34
Campaign Against Halal Part 8
Halal slaughter of animals was conceived on the historical principle that it was one of the more humane methods available. Yet now the RSPCA says that, when compared to methods that involve stunning the animal beforehand, it can cause unnecessary suffering, pain and distress. https://vk.com/video503532632_456240571
Political Islam Part 47
The origins of Islam as a political movement are to be found in the life and times of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his successors. In 622 CE, in recognition of his claims to prophet-hood, Muhammad was invited to rule the city of Medina. At the time the local Arab tribes of Aus and Khazraj… Continue reading Political Islam Part 47