Muslim Invasion of the UK Part 37

On their arrival in Britain, these illegal migrants immediately contact the local Muslim communities. In the case of the Sunni Muslims, they get the allocation of food and logistics from the mosques or Islamic Centers, while the Iranians are also provided similar facilities by the Shiite mosques and community centers. Members of Islamic State, Al… Continue reading Muslim Invasion of the UK Part 37

The Persecution of Christians Part 38

Apart from counter-terrorism, Nigeria is also attempting to reform captured militants. More than 2,000 Boko Haram members have repented and been released back into society, a move criticized by many. Nigerian Senate Minority Leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe, pushed President Buhari to resign. The president pushed back in an op-ed submitted to CT. “We owe thanks to… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 38

Campaign Against Halal Part 12

I’ve watched a lot of undercover video footage from Halal Slaughterhouse, difficult to watch and I would not post. The more than 250,000 cows, sheep, and goats who are slaughtered while they are still conscious must endure prolonged torment. Animals killed halal (according to Islamic law) cannot be stunned before their throats are cut, which… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 12

Musim Invasion of the UK Part 36

In the year between September of 2018 and 2019, 4,749 Iranians applied for asylum in the UK, surging by 79 percent over the previous year. Of the total number of Iranian asylum seekers, 2,406 or 63 percent were granted asylum in their first attempt, with more being granted the status on appeal. Our Laws are… Continue reading Musim Invasion of the UK Part 36

The Persecution of Christians Part 37

John Ibenu, CAN chairman for the Middle Belt state of Kogi in Nigeria, home to many herder-farmer clashes, defended his organization. His state witnessed 27 deaths in January 2020. “When people are not performing the duties for which they are employed or appointed, they must give way for others to come in,” he stated. “CAN… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 37

Political Islam Part 51

After death of Muhammad, his community needed to appoint a new leader, giving rise to the title Caliph, meaning “successor”. Thus the subsequent Islamic empires were known as Caliphates. Alongside the growth of the Umayyad empire, the major political development within Islam in this period was the sectarian split between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims; this… Continue reading Political Islam Part 51

Campaign Against Halal Part 11

The preparation of Halal Slaughter – God’s name must be invoked in a one-line blessing called the Tasmiyah, said before any slaughter. British Halal Food Authority slaughtermen use the most common version, “Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah the greatest). Reciting a short blessing beginning with “bismillah” (in the name of Allah) is a… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 11

The Persecution of Christians Part 36

Adeboye previously had a reputation for refraining from such critical activity. Some politicians rejoiced that he took a stand, noting that Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is a member of his congregation. “For [Adeboye] to stick his neck out, when the government respects him, will surely cause them to take notice,” said Gideon Para-Mallam, the… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 36

Musim Invasion of the UK Part 35

It is believed that the reason for a large proportion of illegal boat migrants being comprised of Iranians is due to their comparative wealth to other asylum seekers, with a boat crossing having a higher chance of success than other methods but also being more expensive.

Political Islam Part 50

The Constitution of Medina was drafted by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, Christians and Pagans. This constitution formed the basis of the first Islamic state. The document was drawn up with the… Continue reading Political Islam Part 50